Cypress Donahue

NAME Cypress Donahue (some call him "Cyp" )
AGE 20
RACE Dragon Halfbreed
OCCUPATION Treasure hunter and jack of all trades. Some skills in hunting/tracking and curing of hides.


Lean and slightly gaunt, hes muscular but not in an overly buff sort of way, seems more like his muscles show because he doesn't quite ever get enough to eat. Stands a good 6'2" in height and is always conscious of his height advantage if he happens to have one.
[ Body Ref ] Skin tone should be a healthy tan.
Angular face, a little too harsh to be strikingly handsome. High cheek bones and a well defined narrow chin. His eyes should be slit like a snakes and a bright vivid turquoise.
Small dusty bronze (dirty penny) scales all along his forehead / along his cheek bones / and smattered across his body instead of body hair.
[ Hair Style ] (Far left in the picture) should be a bright METALLIC copper like a new penny. his hair is made from very very fine copper strands so it should be absurdly shiny and reflect a lot of light. Long and normally hangs down past his shoulder blades, is tied back at the nape of the neck with a green ribbon.
Dresses in two main outfits; see above and below refs for ideas/images.
+ Can be found wearing a vast assortment of jewelry similar to these styles: [ Ring ] [ Necklace ] [ Earrings ]. Wears rings on every finger BUT the Left hand ring finger.
[ Sword ] uses a Rapier like the ref, feel free to make it more elaborate and add emeralds and other ornate decorations to it. In his second outfit (below) it is always hanging at HIS left hip.

[First Layer]
+ TOP : Poet's Shirt you can make it frilly if you so desire? lol i prefer its left a bit open instead of laced up like the ref
+ BOTTOM : pants doesn't have to be QUITE too poofy. but i rather like how they are tucked in the boots.

[Second Layer]

+ TOP : waistcoat sans the zipper and sleeves I'd like the one side to be much longer then the other, where it hangs down about to his knee, and the shorter side stopping where the point is right at the belt line. again feel free to decorate this up a ton. i always imagined it would be a heavy brocade with a dragon trim. lol but that's just me being fanciful.
+ FEET : boots over the knee pretty please.
+ BELT & FROG : frog this attaches to the belt (hangs on the side with the shorter coat tail) to hold his Rapier. feel free to decorate them up if you like.


+ BACK : Cloak short cloak can end just past his butt or if your wanting be very long.
+ FOREARMS : bracers again feel free to jazz these up.
+ JEWELRY : this is just to give you an idea of the type of gaudy stuff he likes to wear (ok ok some of it... i would TOTALLY wear) [x] [x] [x]

- i'll add this later -




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